13 Disturbingly Evil Easter Bunnies

I was trying to get passed this Easter holiday without writing a post like this. After all, there is no need for me to subject you to my unusual ways. I’ve already written about how clowns (especially Ronald McDonald) freak me out. However, I couldn’t resist.

Let me get right to the point. Is it just me or is the Easter Bunny creepy as hell? Let me rephrase that… If you were from another planet, and if you looked down on our society, wouldn’t you think it was a little strange that some loving parents make their kids sit on the lap of a horrific huge bunny just for the sake of an Easter picture?

Yeah, that’s what I thought. I remember from my own childhood, it’s traumatizing to say the least. Now as an adult, I can giggle about it. As you know, proud parents love to post their kid’s pictures online. As you can see when you look at these, some of them are from decades ago. I wonder if any of these freaked out kids grew up feeling the same way as I do about it all. Hmm…

Just for the record, I’m officially swearing off people dressed in bunny costumes, Santa suits and clown makeup forever. That’s one of the best parts about being an adult. Nobody can make you hang out with those creeps if you don’t want to. Here is a collection of the 13 most disturbing evil-looking Easter Bunnies I could find. Let the nightmares begin. Enjoy!

Evil Easter Bunny Pictures

Evil Easter Bunny Pictures

Evil Easter Bunny Pictures

I’m not sure which one in this picture is scarier. :)Evil Easter Bunny Pictures

Evil Easter Bunny Pictures

Evil Easter Bunny Pictures

Evil Easter Bunny Pictures

Evil Easter Bunny PIctures

Evil Easter Bunny Pictures

Evil Easter Bunny PIctures

Evil Easter Bunny Pictures

Evil Easter Bunny Pictures

Evil Easter Bunny Pictures

Evil Easter Bunny Pictures