It’s Friday afternoon. This has been a challenging week, and I’m excited the weekend will be here in seven hours, or at least that is when it will start for me. Sometimes it can feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders, and if that is what your week has been like, I have something that will change your perspective. Sometimes all it takes is something beautiful in nature (like double rainbows) to remind us that our troubles aren’t as significant as they seem.
I’ve never seen double rainbows in real life. If you have, consider yourself blessed. Double rainbows are more common than you’d think, but usually the second rainbow is so dim that people often miss it. Believe it or not, there is also a phenomenon of triple rainbows, which would be nuts to see. The Weather Channel website describes double rainbows like this:
“The first and brighter rainbow is called the primary rainbow. The second and more faint rainbow is called the secondary rainbow. It occurs when refracted light does not escape the raindrop after being reflected the first time. Instead, the refracted light reflects off the raindrop’s surface a second time as well, producing a secondary rainbow with its colors reversed compared to the primary rainbow.”
These 15 double rainbows are part of a collection published here on My Modern Met of 21 double rainbows. If you click over to their site, you can see the whole collection plus all the photo credits. I was reading what some of these photographers wrote on Flickr, and it’s incredible. If you want to be inspired, I humbly suggest you read some of them. Many of them share their experiences about what it was like to be at the right place at the right time to capture these photographs. Take a deep breath. Suddenly all the silly stuff we worry and complain about doesn’t seem so significant after all, right?
Double Rainbows From All Around The World
(Click Images To Enlarge)
Via: [My Modern Met]