A Rain Forest you’ve never seen before

In my personal art, I love to manipulate everyday objects, taking them out of their original context and therefore transforming their meaning. When I stumbled upon Japanese artist Yuken Teruya, I was immediately drawn into his paper cut-outs using toilet paper rolls. Looking through his beautiful portfolio, Teruya’s gift is obvious and prevalent in his delicate paper cut-outs (using all kinds of found objects). In his artist statement Teruya describes ” my work explores issues such as the growing consumerism of contemporary society, depleting natural resources and other problems associated with globalism, including the threat it poses to localized cultural traditions and identities.”

Its refreshing to see that art can be a reminder to our culture about how we live and who we are becoming. Some of us express ourselves vocally, writing articles, letters to politicians, stand with others in protest and some of us, express ourselves creatively in art, music and performance. Its a beautiful thing.

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