You don’t have to spend a lot of money to create a stunning garden outside your home. There are all kinds of things found in your home that can be recycled into your garden motif. I’m talking about used aluminum foil, used tea leaves, cardboard toilet paper tubes, egg cartons, plastic bottles and more. You can read more about how to use those things on How To: Recycle & Reuse Items For Your Garden. In this example, plastic soda bottles were reused to make this beautiful wall garden.
I never thought reused plastic soda bottles could look as nice as these do in this urban garden. The different colors of the soda bottles themselves, and the caps, make for an interesting visual in this “vertical garden.” This home in Brazil has hundreds of these plastic soda bottles hanging on the side of the patio. Each one was cut into a little planter, and then the greenery was placed inside.
It was all created by Rosenbaum design firm. They’ve gotten such a huge response to this urban garden project that they even posted a tutorial for anyone who wants to recreate this at their own home. You can find that here on Rosenbaum. It seems like the trickiest part of this would be cutting the bottles just right. Some soda bottles are really sharp, so if you do this, remember to wear a pair of gloves.
This is not only a stunning suspended piece of art, it’s a wonderful way to recycle plastic bottles and create some living, green space all at the same time. You could even create planters on a larger scale by using 2-liter soda bottles. There are all kinds of possibilities that could stem from this one idea!
Recycled Plastic Soda Bottles
(Click Images To Enlarge)
Via: [Inthralld]