How To Pull The Perfect Christmas Present Poker Face

The anticipation of finding out what your loved ones have got you for Christmas is what makes the day so special. It’s the reaction to the gift that makes the whole tradition so wonderful, with nine out of 10 times being one of joy and happiness. But there is always that one Christmas present that you weren’t expecting. How can you possibly upset your Great Aunt Mildred or offend your second cousin Sebastian in front of your whole family!

Well, the bluffing maestros at Ladbrokes Poker are here to help you survive the awkward presents this Christmas. Here are some of the most common issues when it comes to open your Christmas presents.

The “Too Intimate For An Audience” Face

Between friends, opening a few raunchy Christmas presents creates a bit of fun and laughter amongst with nothing being taken too seriously. But, unwrapping such a gift in front of your family in a different kettle of fish. Imagine the look on your Grandmother’s face when she sees you pulling out an edible thong or a blow-up doll?! She’d be as red as a tomato from blushing! The young generation would be in stitches of laughter, but your mother will be glaring over at you in disgust and disappointment.

The “This is Awesome, 15 Years Ago” Face

Remember in 1999 when you begged and begged for a Furby, but you were left disappointed? Well, 15 years later and guess what’s back in fashion! That’s right; it’s Christmas morning and now aged 26 you are the owner of a brand new Furby. You start to think “do I play with it now or leave it to one side; I don’t want to seem rude”. Instead, you give a look of gratitude and quickly move on.

The “Felt Like It Would Be Good But It Isn’t” Face

Picture the scene, its Christmas morning and you have spent weeks eagerly anticipating what’s under the tree. As you pick up that small Christmas present and give it a shake, thoughts race through your mind “a phone, a watch?” As you peel back the wrapping you soon realise, your weeks of excitement have culminated in a pair of jazzy socks.

The 4 Ultimate Christmas Present Poker Faces

Christmas Present Poker Face

Christmas Present Poker Face

Christmas Present Poker Face

Christmas Present Poker Face

Christmas Present Poker Face