Search query: email

Deodorgram: The Anonymous Way To Tell Your Friend He Has B.O.

Deodorgram: The Anonymous Way To Tell Your Friend He Has B.O.

Have you ever had a friend with B.O.? Or even worse, have you ever had a friend with B.B.O. (beyond B.O.)? According to the urban dictionary, B.O. is ...
Affiliate Marketing: 18 Tips That Increase Revenue [Infographic]

Affiliate Marketing: 18 Tips That Increase Revenue [Infographic]

If you are walking around thinking about starting a new career and possibly trying to make money through the Internet, there are a million different t ...
Cyberbullying: Don’t Let Bullies Ruin Your Online Life [Infographic]

Cyberbullying: Don’t Let Bullies Ruin Your Online Life [Infographic]

Even though there's been so much awareness about bullying over the past few years, it's still continues to be a problem. Cyberbullying is on the rise, ...
The Effects Of Stress & How To Prevent It [Infographic]

The Effects Of Stress & How To Prevent It [Infographic]

It's easy to feel stressed in today's world. We are constantly reminded that the faster we do things, the more we can fit into our days. It has even g ...
How To Type Faster On Your iPhone [Video]

How To Type Faster On Your iPhone [Video]

When the iPhone was first released, there were a lot of people who complained about the touchscreen keyboard, and they said they wanted a physical key ...
A World Without The Internet [Infographic]

A World Without The Internet [Infographic]

If someone were to tell you today that tomorrow the Internet would cease to exist, what would you do? There would be catastrophic consequences that co ...
Top 15 Reasons Why People Unfollow You On Twitter [Infographic]

Top 15 Reasons Why People Unfollow You On Twitter [Infographic]

No matter how experienced we get when it comes to social media, there are still things that are a mystery. For me, most of those things revolve around ...
What Digital Stress Does To Your Brain [Infographic]

What Digital Stress Does To Your Brain [Infographic]

This is becoming an increasingly interesting topic to me, but not for the reason you may think. It seems like every week people are talking about digi ...
How To Get Inbound Leads From Your Website [Infographic]

How To Get Inbound Leads From Your Website [Infographic]

Lately I've been seeing more and more articles and infographics about inbound marketing. I first heard of this concept back in 2007 when I attended we ...
Protect Your Digital Assets & Privacy After Your Death [Infographic]

Protect Your Digital Assets & Privacy After Your Death [Infographic]

As more people around the world join the Internet community each day, and as we all slowly put our most private and sensitive documents and other mate ...
An Underwater Nightclub That You’ll Wish Was Real

An Underwater Nightclub That You’ll Wish Was Real

One of my favorite things to do during the day here at Bit Rebels is read the emails that our readers send to us. I think Richard has mentioned this b ...
Super Mario Goes To The Dark Side: A Shadow Tribute

Super Mario Goes To The Dark Side: A Shadow Tribute

We've seen so many great tributes to Mario and company, and we've featured too many of them to even count. Whether they come in the form of videos, il ...
12 Important Things To Do After Writing Your Post [Infographic]

12 Important Things To Do After Writing Your Post [Infographic]

We are often asked here at Bit Rebels how we are able to write as much as we do. Well, I think it all boils down to inspiration and that we still feel ...
Star Wars Characters Snowflake Cut-Out Tutorial

Star Wars Characters Snowflake Cut-Out Tutorial

It is starting to become quite hot over here in Sweden these days, and it must be said, summer is here. The urge to just jump into a lake somewhere or ...
Work Smarter: Maximize Your Efficiency In The Office [Infographic]

Work Smarter: Maximize Your Efficiency In The Office [Infographic]

Does the logic follow that if we can learn how to maximize our efficiency at work, we will be able to work less hours? It makes sense, but is there a ...
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