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Star Wars Interior Design: R2-D2 Wood Burner For The Cold

Star Wars Interior Design: R2-D2 Wood Burner For The Cold

Now when there is snow in pretty much all the odd places in the world, it's become a challenge for many people to keep themselves warm and fuzzy.  Mos ...
Bleeding Heart Cake: Perfect Gift Idea For Your Valentine

Bleeding Heart Cake: Perfect Gift Idea For Your Valentine

With Valentine's Day coming up in a short yet distant while, you have probably started thinking about what in the world you could give your loved one ...
The Most Important Twitter Rule of 2011

The Most Important Twitter Rule of 2011

Except for the eight days when I had a serious case of Social Media Burnout, I've been on Twitter every day since March of 2009. There are some very ...
Voiceprint: Create A Picture Of Your Voice

Voiceprint: Create A Picture Of Your Voice

Have you ever thought about what the visual representation of your voice looks like? What would that sound look like if it were painted on a canvas? ...
Office Kitchen Politics: Does This Happen At Your Office?

Office Kitchen Politics: Does This Happen At Your Office?

The other day I wrote an article about laziness in the workplace. It was really funny to see how many people in Corporate America spend their time du ...
Finally! A Remote Control That Finds Itself

Finally! A Remote Control That Finds Itself

How many times have you lost the remote control in your house?  A lot, right?  I see it on Twitter all the time.  People send tweets that read somethi ...
Old Tupperware Bowls Become New Retro Kitchen Lamps

Old Tupperware Bowls Become New Retro Kitchen Lamps

Do you remember back in the old days when people used to make Jello molds? My mother used to make those when we were young. She would put canned fru ...
Alternative Pottery: Books, Bags and What Have You

Alternative Pottery: Books, Bags and What Have You

Interior design today is pretty much futuristic, and the angles are getting weirder with every day that goes by. What looked like a normal couch yest ...
Keep Twitter Near Your Heart: The Twitter Charm Necklace

Keep Twitter Near Your Heart: The Twitter Charm Necklace

The Twitter inspired products never seem to end. There is always something new we can buy to celebrate our addiction to that wonderful website so many ...
Ladies, This Is For You: The Best Invention I’ve Seen All Week

Ladies, This Is For You: The Best Invention I’ve Seen All Week

I'm on the Internet almost all day long. For those of you who actually have a life, I pride myself on bringing you the coolest most useful inventions ...
Romba Pac-Man: Vacuuming Suddenly Makes So Much More Sense!

Romba Pac-Man: Vacuuming Suddenly Makes So Much More Sense!

It was a while ago now that we saw the first generation of the robotic or autonomous vacuum cleaner grace the shelves in the stores. At first it was ...
Cozy Up On A Demon Rug By The Fire? Maybe Not!

Cozy Up On A Demon Rug By The Fire? Maybe Not!

Every New Years Eve, here in Sweden, we have this show that entails a bear rug on the floor which a butler always stumbles over when serving the lady ...
VHS Toilet Paper Holder Makes Your Bathroom Visit Fun!

VHS Toilet Paper Holder Makes Your Bathroom Visit Fun!

As we have established a long time ago here on Bit Rebels, recycling can be quite fun, and also have a multifaceted secondary use. Everything we see ...
Skateboard Fails: Destroyed or Deformed Skateboards

Skateboard Fails: Destroyed or Deformed Skateboards

People around the world celebrate the new year in different ways. Some people make new goals, some people eat black-eyed peas and collard greens (for ...
Smart Stand: Smartphone Car Dock Stand With A Twist!

Smart Stand: Smartphone Car Dock Stand With A Twist!

I don't know how many times I have wondered why there are no cool stands or docks for our car when it comes to smartphones. It would be so much safer ...
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