Search query: medical

5 Examples Of When Trusting Doctor Google Is A Bad Idea

5 Examples Of When Trusting Doctor Google Is A Bad Idea

A new survey by scientific freelance platform Kolabtree reveals plenty of us still seek medical advice from online sources, most often through a simpl ...
Financial Technology Expert Harvey Kesner – How Blockchain Technology Extends Beyond Bitcoin

Financial Technology Expert Harvey Kesner – How Blockchain Technology Extends Beyond Bitcoin

Most people have heard of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, but not everyone is familiar with the blockchain technology behind it, or Raiz Investment review ...
How Are Business Schools Reacting To AI?

How Are Business Schools Reacting To AI?

Technology has changed the world around us in dramatic and fundamental ways since the turn of the millennium. The impact on our personal lives is plai ...
Why Frugality Might Not Be Enough to Beat Debt

Why Frugality Might Not Be Enough to Beat Debt

Saving more money by cutting expenses is often cited as a way to get out of debt. While it’s undoubtedly true spending less isn’t going to harm your e ...
How To Legally Buy Marijuana

How To Legally Buy Marijuana

Now that marijuana is legal in almost every state, we are sure you want to know how to go about buying it. In many countries and states, you can only ...
Benefits Of Gaming Every Once In A While

Benefits Of Gaming Every Once In A While

There are a lot of people that believe that gaming is just a useless form of passing the time, but that’s not true at all. Playing video games can be ...
Looking For Ways To Finance College? – Here’s how!

Looking For Ways To Finance College? – Here’s how!

Most people dream of going to college one day or at least putting their kids through school to get a bright education. While there are all kinds of gr ...
Is Your Google Assistant Spying On You?

Is Your Google Assistant Spying On You?

Smart virtual assistants can make daily life more organized and can connect all your schedules within your other smartphones or tablets. Others, howev ...
Uber Drones To Deliver Meals By Air

Uber Drones To Deliver Meals By Air

A new announcement from ridesharing super-power Uber says they are planning to make food delivery more automated. Uber Elevate is the air companion of ...
5 Ways You’re Planning Your Retirement Wrong

5 Ways You’re Planning Your Retirement Wrong

Holes often arise in retirement plans, even from the most organized financial planners. Retirement needs to be thought of before it is within your sig ...
Are America’s Emergency Rooms Facing A Crisis?

Are America’s Emergency Rooms Facing A Crisis?

When you have a medical crisis, the nearest emergency room is supposed to provide you with the care you need. Unfortunately for millions of Americans, ...
How New Technology Could Help Solve the Coming Doctor Shortage

How New Technology Could Help Solve the Coming Doctor Shortage

There’s already a doctor shortage (and a shortage of medical professionals overall) and it’s going to get worse before it gets better. It’s estimated ...
What Should I Do If I Have Lost A Loved One In A Motorcycle Crash?

What Should I Do If I Have Lost A Loved One In A Motorcycle Crash?

While statistics show that motorcycle crashes are down, they still outnumber all other types of fatal crashes. In traffic-heavy states like California ...
Can You Borrow Money Without A Credit Score?

Can You Borrow Money Without A Credit Score?

Do you need money for a pressing financial situation? Typically, lenders like banks and non-banking finance companies will check your credit score. Th ...
What Are Some Commonly Asked Questions About Personal Injury Cases?

What Are Some Commonly Asked Questions About Personal Injury Cases?

Sometimes, bad situations can happen to good people. That can come in the form of a car accident, slip and fall, being attacked by a pet, etc. When th ...
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