6 Social Media Marketing Tools To Get More Followers For Your Platform

We all know how important social media marketing is in today’s digital world. Businesses need it now more than ever, thanks to rising number of people using social media. The number of people with smartphones and internet connection has risen exponentially in the last 10 years. And businesses all over the world are embracing this form of marketing to better target their audience, address their issues and expand their businesses. Businesses that continue to stay away from social media marketing will eventually have a hard time going up against their competitors and probably go extinct.

Social Media Marketing – Increasing Your Efforts

So now since we know social media is important, we need to do something about it. New and upcoming businesses are usually hard spent on cash and don’t want to shell out a lot of money on professionals. These situations are quite understandable but social media marketing cannot be ignored either! So, the trick here is to know how and where to focus the company’s funds and efforts to get the maximum benefits.

Here are some tools that will allow your business to become better in its social media presence without torturing your pockets.

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1. Get On Social Media Networking Platforms

The first rule of having an active social media presence means that you must first have a basic business account on the necessary social media platforms. That does not necessarily mean attacking every possible outlet. It is better to stick to the social media platforms that you can manage initially. There is no point in making a herculean task out of it, by trying everything and not being able to manage anything.

It is important to know your strengths and work accordingly. Handling these social media accounts do not really need a lot of professional help, as long as you have an understanding of what your online customer likes, a bit of creativity and lots of patience.

2. Make It All On Canva

Now a lot of people think designing online posters and banners are a task for professional graphic designers, but this is where Canva comes to the rescue. Canva is an amazing application that allows every other random person to make high-quality infographic posters with minimum hassles. It is really simple to use and can be accessed using a web app or a mobile app.

It certainly makes things much simpler for the beginners and amateurs. This amazing application is very important if you really want to create quality content and want it to be presented effectively.

3. Make Your Schedule On Buffer

Once you start using it you will certainly think of it as your favorite social media scheduling tool. Buffer allows you to schedule your content, planning well into the future.

It has a very good user interface which makes it much simpler to use than other similar applications on the markets. And its analytics are so good that it even optimizes the timing of your post based on views and clicks that your website receives.
Buffer is very informative when it comes to understanding online views, demographics, and similar information.

4. Curate Effectively Using Feedly

Research and curating content is an art that requires time to master, or you can just use the Feedly application. Feedly is a mastermind when it comes to curating and categorizing content based on customer needs.

Feedly completely automates the entire process, making the ideation process much simpler and faster. It allows you to browse through all the important topics that are currently being talked about. In fact, you can even share the posts directly from your feed.

5. Meet Your Assistant Edgar

Edgar is a powerful social media management application that helps in managing your content. It helps very proficiently in re-sharing of your previous content.

This is something that is done by most of the online influencers and is in fact very crucial to make sure their message reaches far and wide.

Edgar helps in re-sharing the content that is very important to all your followers. This might seem a little redundant but it is important for all those new followers that join their accounts.

You can find more information on the tools through Toronto digital marketing.

6. Promote Using Quuu Promote

This just makes your going a little easier. This amazing tool helps in increasing the online shares and user engagement of your posts on the website.

Now I want you to understand that this is not a spamming scheme but rather an automated organic way of reaching more clients. Your posts do not show up as ads and at the same time reach newer online user every day. This application is free to use and will definitely bring a lot of value to your business.

All these social media tools are really precise in what they do and can really help any new business if harnessed properly.

If you are interested in even more social media-related articles and information from us here at Bit Rebels then we have a lot to choose from.

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