If you have a new business and you’re just getting everything setup in social media, you might be unsure about where to put your time and energy. After all, you want to have a social media presence spread over several sites, but which ones are the most important? We’ve written about this many times, and there isn’t a cookie cutter answer that fits for every business social media presence. However, the way this infographic is written explains it really well.
If you think of your business as a tree, you want to make sure you setup your roots first so you can have a sturdy foundation. From there, when time permits, you can branch out into other areas. So where should you focus your efforts to build that strong foundation? Business social media is very different than personal social media, and this is the area that can get fuzzy for a lot of people.
This infographic called Your Social Media Roots by Vertical Measures lays it all out in a very straightforward way. If you want to use your business social media presence to cover the areas of customer service, lead generation, product ratings/reviews and brand awareness then this infographic is for you. It will show you exactly what to focus on to cover those four key areas of business social media.
The information in this infographic is very well put together, and if you can follow this, you’ll take a lot of the guess work out of the equation. Once you get a handle on what is presented here, and you feel like you’ve built your solid foundation, you can branch off into other areas of social media that could benefit your business. This is a great road map if you are just getting started in all this. Good luck!
Business Social Media – How To Setup A Solid Foundation
(Click Infographic To Slightly Enlarge)
Via: [Social Media Today] Header Image Credit: [PC Mag]