Tag: capture

xRec iPhone App Records Your Screen Without Jailbreak
For a while now, there has been a "let's play" revolution going on over at YouTube. If you don't know what that is all about, I would be more than hap ...

Scent Camera Allows Capturing Of Scents And Aromas
It's easy to assume that most people have at some point wanted to bottle a scent they have smelled by using a device. I mean, wouldn't it be cool if y ...

Immaterial: Converting WiFi Strength To Urban Photography
There is a new art form emerging, and it has everything to do with technology. Previously we were used to art being created using brushes, pencils an ...

A Keychain Sized Digital Lomo Camera Packs A Punch!
We have written several articles about Lomography and the use of Lomo cameras. Just as a refresher, the Lomo camera is a wonderful type of camera tha ...
A Look At Our World In Full Color
I was in Hong Kong May 21 - 23 and I noticed that things looked so different at daytime and nighttime compared to what I'm used to. I was wondering w ...
Numbers Are All Around Us – Photo Inspiration
I find numbers intriguing. Math was never my favorite subject in school, but I respect math since we use it everyday. I admire people who are good w ...
Beautiful Images Inspired by Rain
It has been so hot here in the Philippines lately that we have been praying for rain. Rain can evoke a lot of feelings within us including nostalgia, ...
How To Capture Lightning Like Thor! With Science!
Have you ever wondered how those little 'lightning in a box' things you see at random gift stores, internet stores, and fellow geeks houses are made?
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