Tag: give

Tipping Etiquette Around The World [Infographic]

Tipping Etiquette Around The World [Infographic]

I think I have touched on this subject before, and I didn't get any more clever because of it. As you can read from one of my earlier articles, tippin ...
Corporate Giving: Modern Philanthropy Is Big Business

Corporate Giving: Modern Philanthropy Is Big Business

The word "philanthropy" gets thrown around a lot these days. I see more and more people referring to it in their posts, and even in their tweets. Phil ...
Toilet Waterfall: A Symbolic Installation Of Wasted Water

Toilet Waterfall: A Symbolic Installation Of Wasted Water

By now, it's a known fact that some parts of the world are in dire need of drinkable water. So much so that even a $1 investment from each of us cou ...

10 Life Lessons That We Should Try To Remember!

I am very lucky to have had a very wise man for a dad. I never really understood what he was trying to convey to us when we were children, but now as ...

5 Traits You Will Find Common To Almost All Twitter Addicts

Twitter is a social networking platform that has people online 24/7. Even while you sleep, people will continue to communicate and share. There are ...
How To: Mend A Broken Heart

How To: Mend A Broken Heart

People have been coming up to me and telling me how much strength I have. Well, to be quite honest, I am just like any other person who has gone thro ...

Happiness Is A Choice!

For those close to me, you know that I am in a state of transition. My heart may be broken in two, but my spirit remains intact, thanks to the wonder ...
A Website For A Greener Earth – Now Recycling Is Fun!

A Website For A Greener Earth – Now Recycling Is Fun!

There are so many natural calamities and disasters that we hear on the news and experience ourselves like floods and earthquakes. The cause, many tim ...
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