Tag: high speed

High Speed Envelopes Let You Leave A Trail Of Smoke When You Open Them
Sometimes the simplest designs are the most memorable. I don't get a lot of snail mail anymore, but every once in a while, I still get one of those en ...

20 Captivating Photos Shot At Exactly The Right Moment
There are some things in life that make me feel dated (notice I didn't use the word "old" LOL). For example, sending a fax, writing in cursive (with a ...

High Speed Photographs Taken At The Moment Of Impact
High speed photography and video seem to be hot right now. Every day I see new collections of photographs making the rounds on Twitter. Just like with ...

Stunning Slow Motion Video: Gelatin Cubes Jiggle Your Brain
I've written before about how much I don't like Jello. Well, it's not that I don't like it; it's more that I'm afraid of it. It's like an abomination ...

Inspiration: Remarkable Water and Paint Photography
There is just something about water and paint that mixes well for photography. Have you noticed that? I remember when I wrote this article about hig ...

The 4th Dimension – Crush, Kill, Destroy!
Isn't that what the Lost in Space robot used to say? "Crush, kill, destroy!" This super slow motion video of stuff being destroyed reminds me of that ...

Dancing Paint – High Speed Water Photography
I've always been interested in photography since just about anyone with a quality camera, including me, can take decent photographs. However, this hi ...
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