Tag: Photo Shoot

Lego Wigs: Hairdos With Unlimited Creativity

Lego Wigs: Hairdos With Unlimited Creativity

In a world dominated by online creativity and the masterminds behind it, we are constantly bombarded with the mind children of people who seemingly do ...
Miss Piggy’s Sexy Photo Shoot: The Muppets Never Get Old

Miss Piggy’s Sexy Photo Shoot: The Muppets Never Get Old

Miss Piggy, who stars in the new movie The Muppets, is currently strutting her stuff on the PR trail. She is showing up everywhere, and she even score ...
A Portable Photo Studio For Photographers On The Go!

A Portable Photo Studio For Photographers On The Go!

Photography is fun, but requires hard work, patience and yes, a lot of money. However, it can be a very lucrative business to enter into if you are t ...
Photography: The Best Looking Bad Hair Day Ever

Photography: The Best Looking Bad Hair Day Ever

I haven't featured any photography for a while, and these pictures are so unique, I couldn't resist. Why is it that some women can roll of bed, run t ...
Crazy Classy Creative Hair Designs

Crazy Classy Creative Hair Designs

Yesterday Richard wrote an article about the "designer way of cutting hair." Those wild and crazy hair tattoos (which is what they look like to me) g ...
How To: Set Up a Virtual Photo Shoot in Photoshop CS5

How To: Set Up a Virtual Photo Shoot in Photoshop CS5

A couple of months ago, Adobe released their much acclaimed new edition of Photoshop, called CS5. The features it presents are something taken from t ...
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