Tag: Symptoms

4 Most Common Addictions Today – Where Does Yours Come In?

4 Most Common Addictions Today – Where Does Yours Come In?

Addiction is one of those terms you might throw around when referring to someone who is a shoe addict, but it is a term that is used seriously when re ...
iPhone Doctor: Your Phone Can Check Your Temperature & Call Doctor

iPhone Doctor: Your Phone Can Check Your Temperature & Call Doctor

If you are like most people I know, when you feel sick, you don't take time out of your schedule to go to the doctor unless it's serious. Most of us j ...
Social Media Addiction & Personality Types [Infographic]

Social Media Addiction & Personality Types [Infographic]

It's not exactly a secret that social media is a huge time sink for anyone who has become addicted to it. Everything from your work to your time with ...
10 Signs That You Need A Social Media Detox

10 Signs That You Need A Social Media Detox

I think anyone who is into social media would agree with me that things are moving faster and faster. Whatever it is that we have to do, it has to be ...
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