4 Astonishing Reasons Why You Want To Drive A Volvo Truck

From Volvo Trucks’ own website, they say “We have an unmatched tradition of pushing the limits, setting new standards and driving innovation, because it matters.” One way they managed to do this is by making their own Volvo’s new Position Perfect™ Steering system, which features a three-way neck tilt, letting drivers of all kinds position the wheel exactly where they prefer. This alone isn’t a reason to consider buying a Volvo Truck, is it? Let’s look at 4 other reasons.

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1. Fuel Economy

Your fleet has a lot of traveling to do, day in and day out. There’s no shortage of deadlines that must be met and orders that need to be filled. (Not to mention that this ease of fuel consumption lets your fleet travel across the country and back – literally; you can expect to go ~1M miles before an overhaul.)

The Volvo FM’s fuel consumption is 8.25 mpg. 140,000 km can be covered per year. For comparison’s sake, the Volvo VNL comes equipped with a 12-liter, 400-hp Cummins Westport ISX12 G engine. This means liquefied natural gas is used, making it highly efficient. And the XE16, which has an engine (Volvo D16 engine; 500 hp and 2,000+ lb.-ft. torque) that can turn 200 rpm slower than usual. Up to 2% of the fuel is saved – which, bottom line, ends up saving money.

2. Popularity

Volvo is the fifth most popular truck in America and the second largest heavy-duty produced truck in the world. (That’s not too shabby, is it.) We’ll talk about possible reasons in a bit. But knowing that Volvo is second most popular in the world puts me at ease of mind for choosing an LCV or powertrain package. If you don’t want to buy new (such as the XE16 package), you can find used Volvo trucks that serve your needs. The plus side? They aren’t generally expensive, either! Whichever the case: aside from the sheer practicality and pure endurance of Volvo trucks… I’m sure a Cameo in an awesome commercial starring legendary martial artist Jean Claude Van Damme didn’t hurt either.

3. Low Weight (Depending)

We both know that the GAW, NCC, GCW (as well as the GCWR) and GVW are critical for maximizing load distribution – without slowing your rig down on the road. Some people report their Volvo FMS clocking in at a little over 8 tonnes, which is nearly 3 thousand tonnes over the average automobile (~5 tonnes). Other FMS, though, are 6×2 44-tonne tractors. (You can thank the massive 13-liter engine for that.)

Let’s compare the rated weights between various Volvo trucks:

  • Volvo A40G: 43 tonnes GCWR
  • Volvo 2012 VNL: 66,000 lbs. GCWR
  • XE16: 80,000 lbs.

14. The Nile Discovered

This one is pretty cool: a Volvo was used to drive famed explorer Dr. James May I Presume to the river Nile. The Volvo used was an 850R car, which reached 0-62mph in 6.7 seconds and surpassed top speeds of 158mph. Whether or not the Dr. put the pedal to the medal, it’s astonishing to look at the fantastic car and know that—whether you’re driving a Volvo heavy-duty truck or car—you’re driving a part of history. How many automobile and fleet manufacturers do you know of that can make the same claim?

Volvo Truck – Conclusion

Earl Nightingale once said “Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.”

This is sage advice when it comes to traveling across the country during many seemingly-endless nights. There is no reason to fear the time it takes to accomplish something; all time, before we know it, passes away. Now that you know several reasons why Volvo trucks are worth considering, don’t procrastinate in doing more research for yourself. There’s a reason they’re the second most popular fleet vehicle in the world. The reasons you’ve just read help explain why – but like the good Dr. discovered, there’s always more to figure out.

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