It’s no secret that Google is always working on something. We’re constantly seeing news about new Google innovations hitting the Internet. Some have become the backbone of our lives, while others have come and gone without notice. Google is one of the world’s most successful companies, but their timeline has not been a constant climbing success. Google has had their share of failures, and if we take a look at all the Google ideas that have failed, we’ll see the list is extensive.
You might remember Google Buzz a couple of years ago. It was another launch that involved invitations and a lot of hype that later didn’t pan out to anything more than a failure. Google has a lot of projects going on at all times, and their programmers and innovators are constantly creating new ones. Some people may think that Google is one big successful company that just can’t get it wrong. If you’re one of these people, you will be surprised when you find out there are quite a lot of failed projects that Google launched in the past. They will most likely continue to launch projects and of course fail at times. If we look at what didn’t work, we will see the list is way longer than any of us might remember it being.
Before you look at this list of Google ideas and concepts, how many Google services do you remember using that later went into the Google graveyard? Write them down and then compare your list to the one presented by WordStream (design by NowSourcing). The infographic is called The Gooooooogle Graveyard: A Resting Place For Great Ideas. It has some rather nice online applications listed on it. It’s a shame that Google is so quick to call something a failure and then just shut it down. They have the money to support things, and everything doesn’t have to be profitable if it brings people into their brand, if you know what I mean.
I could sit here all day long trying to tell you about what each of these projects was, how you used them and why, but the list is quite extensive and the short descriptions of each application should be enough. All of the Google ideas currently in operation allow us more freedom and utilities to take care of our daily endeavors, but it is the innovative aspect of the company that makes all the Google ideas so appealing to people.
If you want something to optimize your daily endeavors then Google is probably the best company on the planet to supply you with free services that are robust enough to make sense. But as I said, not all Google ideas are successful, which makes them fit into the Google graveyard quite snugly.
All The Google Ideas That Didn’t Work
(Click Infographic To Enlarge)
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