Why Your Choice in Email Security Solution Matters

Despite the many emerging technologies, email remains one of the most effective means of communication. In fact, in a joint study conducted by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and the EMPLOYEEapp by APPrise Mobile in 2017, about 95% of organizations use email as the primary mode of internal communication. Marketers also widely rely on email marketing as it is believed to generate as much as £42 for each pound spent.

For businesses, an email allows communication among co-workers and customers. It is used to schedule meetings and share corporate information. As it stands, email is so ubiquitous that everyone assumes anyone who can access the Internet can send and receive emails.

This fact, unfortunately, is why hackers use email as a primary means to scam people. As such, it is imperative for anyone online to choose and use a reliable email security solution, notable with email verification capabilities. Here’s why.

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What To Look For In An Email Security Solution

Different business requirements require different approaches to email security. Here are some functionalities that specific users may want to see in their solutions:


  • Robust filtering accuracy: An effective email security solution should be able to filter out invalid email addresses from users’ list of authorized recipients. That way, they can be assured that their emails won’t end up in potential threat actors’ inboxes. Blocking unauthorized email senders based on their addresses’ validity also ensures that no potentially harmful messages end up in users’ inboxes.
  • Antiphishing protection: Scammers have become adept at spoofing company email addresses for their malicious gains. They often pretend to come from reputable companies to trick recipients into giving out personal details, including payment card credentials and other financial details though phishing. Reports, in fact, reveal that 93% of data breaches begin with a phishing email. Using tools that help verify the validity of a business email address can help protect even the most careless employees from falling into phishers’ eagerly waiting traps.

Email Marketing

  • Email list cleanup capability: For email marketers who want to maximize their profit, it is essential to check whether the email campaign reaches its intended audience. Cleaning up an organization’s email list is necessary to increase engagement. One way to do that is through an email tool that filters out unverified addresses from a recipient list. This approach lessens the volume of bounced emails that can negatively affect a company domain’s reputation.
  • Ability to validate registration email addresses: Organizations that offer gated content for lead generation can screen potential clients in near-real-time with a tool that is regularly updated to make sure it covers even newly registered company domains. By making sure that you don’t end up with fake corporate email addresses, you’re already one step ahead in gaining a valid lead.

General Business Users

  • Automated email sending: It is now standard practice for businesses to send automated emails to notify frequent buyers about sales, updates on shipping schedules, and purchase confirmations. Then again, you’d want to make sure your messages don’t end up in the wrong inboxes as that can lead to a data breach.
  • Reasonable pricing: Look for an email security solution that can offer value for your money. Take note that not all that’s affordable can save you money. In the end, you have to look at all the security inclusions bundled in the price so you can compare if you are indeed getting the most value. Often, it is best to get more comprehensive protection that can offer increased revenue opportunities and streamlined user experience.

Your choice of an email security solution depends on your business requirements. Always go for one that best meets your needs. And because you can never be too sure these days on who’s at the receiving end of your messages, you may want to opt for a solution that not only enhances your marketing and sales efforts but also ensures protection from all kinds of digital threats.

Author Bio: Jonathan Zhang is the founder and CEO of Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP)—a data, tool, and API provider that specializes in automated threat detection, security analysis, and threat intelligence solutions for Fortune 1000 and cybersecurity companies. TIP is part of the WhoisXML API family, a trusted intelligence vendor by over 50,000 clients.

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