Freenter: First Digital Hand-Held Wallpaper Printer

It seems printers are the new cool these days. There isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t hear about a new kind of 3D printer or even printer accessory. Now it appears the printer concept is being incorporated into other endeavors as well, if you know what I mean. Let’s take interior design for example. A handful of designers have come up with a really creative digital hand-held wallpaper printer that we can use to get the exact wallpaper we want in our homes.

I bet you’re intrigued yet confused. Never worry, it’s quite alright. Imagine for a second that in your hands you hold a device that reminds you of a tablet. On it, you have the usual touchscreen and some buttons. However, on the backside of it, there is a printer head mounted that can print in full color. Intrigued yet? Well, here it is.

The device, called the Freenter, is a digital hand-held wallpaper printer that can create any pattern you want directly on your walls at home. The Freenter wallpaper printer is the future in interior design, especially when it comes to putting up new wallpaper at home. Design anything on the screen with the help of a stylus, and the infinite tools made available to you in the form of software. When you’re finished, you simply press the “start” button and drag the wallpaper printer against your wall, and it will print your pattern.

How’s that for innovation? This concept wallpaper printer was designed by Kim Kwang-hyun, Roh Ga-young, Kim Su-hyun and Shin Jun-won. It could very well become one of the greatest innovations that has ever been introduced into the industry of interior design. There is a downside to it though, and that is that so far this concept is just that, a concept. Whether this wallpaper printer will become a reality or not is entirely up to the designers, and of course the available technology. The concept as a whole is as intriguing as the smartphone was before it was finally made available to us all.

Freenter – Digital Hand-Held Wallpaper Printer



Via: [Yanko Design]