Essay On Reproducibility Crisis In Science World

Reproducibility crisis in science is caused by machine learning. – Various machine learning techniques are applied by scientists worldwide in order to analyze data across many subject areas, on which students start to search for good essay writing service to ask for help, and these areas niches can range from medical studies to astronomy.

According to the recent report at AAAS (The American Association for the Advancement of Science) presented by Dr. Genevera Allen from Rice University in Houston, the analytical systems that are currently used by scientists present the results, which may be misleading or at times even completely inaccurate.

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The data sets that are analyzed by machine learning software are very large and costly. The number of scientific studies grows with time and the collected data is to be processed.

Dr. Allen said that the techniques should be improved otherwise both time and money will be wasted. She questioned whether the test results of multiple studies represent what the science really is. If the supplementary data set is used to analyze the same scientific principle, the probability of coming up with the different unmatching pattern is too high.

Dr. Allen indicated that the software, which is used for scientific analysis, identifies patterns that are only connected with the specific data set without correlation with the state of things in the real world.

The inaccuracy of the particular research is often figured out when the additional technique is applied for processing the same data set. If the results of the two studies don’t happen to match, it shows that the scientific reproducibility was compromised.

There is a general acceptance of the fact that analysis of collected data may not be accurate and the crisis in science becomes more and more obvious. An important part of it can be addressed to the machine learning software.

The number of software tests that demonstrate the reproducibility issue was deemed to be worrying by Dr. Allen. It is not wise to wait until another group of scientists conducts the same experiment to find out that the initial conclusions were inaccurate. The results of one of the studies demonstrated that 85 percent of the biomedical studies carried out worldwide are to be called into question.

The patterns appear to be flawed and this crisis tendency has been increasing for several decades. According to Dr. Allen, scientists should stop fooling themselves and they need to start working on a more efficient design of the machine learning strategies.

Dr. Allen is now collaborating with a group of researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. They are developing new techniques and algorithms for machine learning, which can deal with a large data set and can provide a report of how doubtful the outcomes of the particular research may be.

Researchers need to stop trying to expect the results that they prefer to see. They should start improving the algorithms of the research that they carry out in order to present truly reproducible discoveries to the world.

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