Introducing… Hello Kitty Nerd Mimobot Flash Drives!

It’s interesting what can happen in a year. A year ago, I didn’t mind Hello Kitty too much. She was cute, cuddly and all over the mall, everywhere I looked. Then, several months ago, Hello Kitty started to overtake my life, showing up in my Google searches and invading my Internet everyday.

I finally reached a breaking point, and I wrote this revenge article, hoping it would make me feel better. Then, last month, I officially cracked and wrote this article where I fantasized about chomping her head off.

I’m happy to say that now I’ve returned from the dark side, for the moment. After all, you have to admit; these brand new little Hello Kitty Nerd Mimobot flash drives are precious. In nerd fashion, our little kitty is sporting some big ‘ol nerd black rimmed glasses and a pocket protector! And, of course, she’s wearing her signature bow. I love it! You can read more about these little cuddly balls of nerdiness here. And, you can buy one of these mimobots right here.

[via geek sugar]