The smartphone revolution has not only implemented a universal tool into our everyday lives, but it also provides us with a way to constantly document it. The introduction of mobile devices into our lives has created outlets for our thought, creativity and opinions that previously were not available. The way we capture life today is infinitely different than just 10-15 years ago. The smartphone camera in our pockets has become an extension of our reality to the point where we take refuge in whatever social platform is available to share our findings, emotions and precious moments. But our cameras don’t always capture reality the way we see it, especially the smartphone cameras. Soon there will be a way to capture our reality through the iPhone 5 camera the way our eyes perceive it.
The solution comes from the minds over at Trygger. They have managed to create a polarizing filter that preserves the color and reduces the glare and reflection that the iPhone 5 camera can’t differentiate. It’s a brilliant filter that will enhance your photos as soon as you attach it on top of your iPhone 5 camera. You can adjust the strength of the polarization and preservation of colors and the reduction of glares and reflection by turning the wheel located on the side of the clip-on.
Trygger is a product spawned from the already existing Trygger iPhone 4/4S case. The guys behind this iPhone 5 camera polarizing filter are looking for a second round of funding, this time for this iPhone 5 camera clip-on filter, in order to complete this second product. They’re looking to raise $10,000 through Kickstarter, and with 20 days left they are already north of $3,000. By pledging $30.00 you will receive a black Trygger iPhone 5 camera clip-on accessory if and when the funding is successfully completed. By the looks of the presentation, this could have a huge impact on the quality of your photos. In my own opinion, this would be the first iPhone 5 camera accessory I would buy if I was all into mobile photography or if I was just looking to up my photo quality and brag about it on any photo sharing sites.