This is so much fun! The Internet was blowing up yesterday about this new Google Easter Egg, and if you missed it, you’ve just gotta try it. It’s great for a little 30-second break in your day. In a way, it’s a little nostalgic since it reminds me of that old television I used to have. We used to call those fuzzies on the screen “snow.”
I admit, after almost puking from the last Google trick I tried (the do a barrel roll), I was hesitant to try this one. It’s completely harmless though, and really creative. I probably think it’s fun since it was 70 degrees a few days ago here in Atlanta. This Google trick is the closest we’re going to get to a white Christmas.
If you’d like to try it, just type “let it snow” into Google. Your computer screen will turn into a wonderful winter wonderland. After a few seconds, it will completely ice over with snow. At that point, you can either click “defrost,” or you can play in the snow and draw pictures (like I did below). If you’d like to try some other Google tricks, click over to this article in the L.A. Times which has 5 more fun ways to let Google put a big smile on your face today.