By now we all know that search engine optimization is a vital part of any website’s maintenance. As you all know, we have covered the topic here on Bit Rebels many times over, but we can’t stress the importance enough and so we keep sharing SEO content that might be beneficial to you. We have covered the most important practices a lot, but there are also a lot of common SEO mistakes that could potentially hurt your site without you even knowing about it.
There are a lot of things that could break the search engine optimization efforts you are putting into your website. When focusing too much on the most important aspects of SEO, you can easily neglect or confuse simple practices that are outside of the scope of your knowledge. This pretty much means that you might have the SEO aspects under control, but when it comes to the factors that involve the actual design of your website, it’s not always clear what the best practices are. That’s what we are somewhat going to touch in this article. We’re basically going to take a look at the most common SEO mistakes that can creep themselves into your everyday SEO efforts.
We are not going to delve too deeply into the mechanics of search engines and how they parse your site with bots and spiders. However, we are going to nudge the most common SEO mistakes with the help of a basic and straightforward infographic (even though the grammar could be improved) called Most Common Mistakes In Search Engine Optimization, presented by TopRanker. Even though it might be confusing at times to try and decipher the grammar in it, the infographic and the information it presents should be quite useful for anyone trying to make their site rank higher on search engines.
One of the most common SEO mistakes is neglecting to properly design an optimized website. With search engines taking speed into account, images are one of the biggest threats to you ranking higher on search engines. If you have too many large images, you will find that your site will become sluggish at best. In return, your site will get a poor rating over at Google for example and rank lower.
Furthermore, search engines are looking for information, and by that I mean “educational” information. If you have a site with more images than text, or if the percentage of useful information is poor, your site will rank lower. These are SEO mistakes that can be quite costly. This is something that is worth paying attention to when you create your content. If you write content that is 150 words or less, you can be sure that your ranking won’t be too high. There is actually a basic threshold that says useful information, or at least what Google considers useful, is 300 words or more.
Have a look through this helpful, however poorly written, infographic and make sure you know how to best prevent committing these common SEO mistakes. If you stay alert about your own mistakes, you are bound to pick up a better ranking as you progress designing and creating new content. You can always correct SEO mistakes by going back and editing your content. Just because it’s published and out there doesn’t mean the race has ended. Your SEO mistakes can easily be wiped clean to help you rank considerably higher.
Common SEO Mistakes To Be Aware Of
(Click Infographic To Enlarge)