The New iPad: Complete Facts & Stats [Infographic]

Now that the new iPad has been announced, the new iPad commercials and ads have started to pop up pretty much everywhere. For people who aren’t constantly watching what Apple does, this whole ad campaign must have come as a surprise. Not everyone is glued to the screen as soon as Apple announces they are going to hold an event to tell us about something new. Even though I am super eager to try out this new piece of technology, I am more interested in the words that Tim Cook said at the end of the keynote. He said that Apple is going to announce several new and groundbreaking products throughout the year, and what that means and what those are should tickle every nerve in any geek.

Maybe we are so excited that we actually forgot a few things about the new iPad and every way it could make our world better. If you happen to be one of the people who hasn’t yet seen the keynote, and you are still wondering what the new iPad is all about, or if you simply forgot, maybe this infographic will refresh your memory or even enlighten you about it. It is packed with everything we heard in the keynote and a little bit more.

It comes from the guys over at Geek’s Room, and it is a data packed infographic all dedicated to Apple’s latest cash cow, the new iPad. Now you can sift through all the stats and specs to determine whether you are interested in this highly anticipated technology that is supposedly going to change how we do things, at least that is what Apple tells us. There is no doubt it will outsell any other tablet, and maybe even the old incarnations. As excited as I may be over this new gadget, I can’t wait to see what else Apple has in store for us. I am hoping we will see more of what Steve Jobs thought up before his passing. One thing is for sure though, he set the bar pretty high for everyone competing with Apple, and I guess that is how things are going to be for some time to come.

Click Infographic To Enlarge
