The State of The Internet!

There are so many people now that rely on the interwebs for anything under the sun!  If one has a question, one would Google the word and viola instant information. Majority get their news from Twitter and FaceBook!  With the Social Media buzz in full swing, one can expect the up swing of internet users as well.  I am lucky enough to come across a video created by Jesse3.

The statistics were staggering.  Imagine 1.73 Billion people use the internet (Sept. 2009).  With Asia – 738,257,232; North America – 252,908,000; Latin America – 179,031,479, Australia and Oceania – 20,970,4890, Europe – 418,029,790. The video also indicated that there are about 90 Trillion emails sent with an average of 247B emails sent a day and 81% of which are spam.  Websites created and maintained are around 234 Billion as of Sept. 2009.

I have included the video here for you to see the other amazing numbers and I believe that it will be growing exponentially! What do you think?

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