Top Strategies To Drive More Traffic To Your Website [Infographic]

I have touched this subject a few times before, and it’s a subject that we can never get too much information about. In order to drive more traffic to your website, you need to have unique and engaging content that will make people come back over and over again. It’s an easy thing to say, but creating good content takes a lot of time and energy. You can also adapt the top strategies to drive traffic to a new and evolving website. That’s what we’re going to look at in this article.

When a website first launches, the hardest thing is to make people aware of it. You do so by constantly producing good content, which is something I think everyone understands. It’s after that when the task of getting the word out becomes a little bit more complex. If you don’t have a large following on any social networking service, and you don’t have the ability to push out content through any significantly followed outlet, it can be hard to reach new people. Every once in a while you have the luck of being subbed, retweeted or shared by someone with a lot of social media influence, but we can not base our website’s success on luck, right?

So what do we do? We do exactly what I mentioned in the beginning of this article, we find the top strategies to drive traffic to our site and make sure we have an optimized approach to convert these people to users, clients or customers. In order to look deeper into some of the top strategies, I was presented an infographic called Increase Traffic To Your Website: Proven Strategies That Work. It’s brought to our attention by BWHGeek.

There are of course other things to add to these top strategies that aren’t mentioned in this particular infographic, but these ones are probably the most important ones to start with. The increase in traffic when adding social buttons is huge and should not be neglected. In some cases, it has increased traffic over 500%, which is something that could pretty much launch a struggling company into a successful orbital reign.

Whatever you choose to add of course depends on the nature of your content, but look through these top strategies and incorporate as many of them as possible without flooding your users with options. Sometimes a few will be enough to stir up quite a bit of traffic to and from your website, which in turn will lead to even more traffic coming your way.

BWHGeek’s Top Strategies To Increase Traffic

(Click Infographic To Enlarge)
