With technology and the Internet literally at our fingertips, things are changing in the workplace. Offices are being traded in for shared workspaces and even home offices. Office receptionists are being replaced by tablets.
Employees are finally breaking free from the chains that bind them to their desks. As the business world moves to a more mobile, technology-dependent way of operating, office management is transforming and changing in new ways.
1. Wayfinding And Navigation
Most drivers rely on Google Maps or their phone’s navigation system to get where they need to go. But once they get inside of a building, it’s up to them to find their way around – typically by asking someone for directions.
In a large office environment, employees can wind up wasting a lot of time wandering around the building trying to find their desk or the meeting room.
Indoor navigation and wayfinding is changing this. Many of these new navigation systems can provide directions based on Google Maps, providing both indoor and outdoor directions.
This technology is being implemented in a number of ways, from large touchscreens to dedicated navigation apps.
Kohls is using MapsPeople, an indoor wayfinding service, to ensure that employees are able to find just about anything they need, from printers to their own desks.
2. Virtual Office Receptionists
Receptionists play an important role in office management. Along with their administrative tasks, they also greet visitors and direct them where to go.
When receptionists are busy working on other tasks, visitors may be left waiting and grow impatient. Virtual receptionists, or digital sign-in systems, allow visitors to check in without having to wait for the person behind the front desk.
iLobby’s visitor management systems, for example, allows guests to register themselves and alerts receptionists when the registration is complete. This allows the receptionist to focus on important tasks without having to go through the time-consuming process of registering visitors.
Many of these systems will even print out visitor badges right there at the kiosk. The entire system requires virtually no assistance from employees.
3. Shared Workspaces
Offices are transitioning from stuffy, cubicle-lined rooms to open, shared spaces where employees can work and collaborate. Instead of single offices, we’re seeing large shared spaces where employees are free to work where it suits them best.
The trend is known as activity-based working, and it means that no employee has a fixed desk. Shared workspaces allow more employees to work in a smaller space, saving companies money. They often lead to higher productivity, too, as employees have the opportunity to choose their work environment.
4. Mobility
Between smartphones, laptops, and tablets, employees are connected everywhere. That means that they no longer have to be tied to the office.
More companies are realizing the benefits of a mobile workplace. With more mobility, employees are able to do their work remotely, which saves on office and desk space.
Many workers are taking full advantage of this trend, traveling across the country and world while working in hotel rooms. Thanks to advancements in video and streaming technology, there’s no real need for physical meetings. Employees can literally work from anywhere in the world and never miss a deadline or a meeting.
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