I think tattoos are getting more and more common, and every time I get back to the tattoo studio that I use to get my tattoos, they are more and more booked. I don’t know if the reason people get them is because they think they’re cool or because they’re personal to them, but for me, it’s all about being personal. All the tattoos I have are drawn by me, and if I ever used a template, I changed it completely so it wouldn’t be recognized. I probably wouldn’t be able to stand it if someone has the exact same tattoo as I do, so if that ever happens, I’d be sure to make some changes to the ones that I already have.
There is a pretty cool revolution going on in the tattoo community, and it might actually make even more people want a tattoo. My older brother, for example, doesn’t want to get a tattoo because he’s afraid he won’t like it after a while. However, with this new technology and colors, you don’t ever have to worry about that. It’s a kind of black light tattoo color that is pretty much invisible in ordinary light but lights up like a torch whenever there is a black light around. Diana wrote an article all about it not too long ago, and I thought I’d show off some more tattoos using the same technique.
You might wonder where all the black lights are located in the world because I sure don’t see them all around town. If you get a tattoo, you of course want to show it off, right? I mean, having a private tattoo is cool and all, but the ones that are not private you want people to notice. By showing it off every time you’re around a black light, it might only get noticed about twice every ten years. That is whether you’re a party animal or not.
Nevertheless, I still think this new technique is quite awesome, and I am actually thinking about getting one that might have something personal attached to it. What it will be is only meant for whoever becomes the lifelong partner in crime so… Check some of these out and tell me that you don’t think they are cool and off the hook. They are certainly original… if you get the right “thing” that is.