If there was ever one creature from the movies that I wish was IRL, it would have to be wookies. Chewbacca is one of the best characters in the Star Wars universe, and it would be great to see him in his own element with his family and friends. What would Mrs. Chewbacca look like? Do they have kids? Would they eat pizza and drive cars on their planet? This collection of photographs takes a playful look of what a wookie’s everyday life might be like.
I suppose the more relevant question to ask is, if wookies did live on our planet, and if they mated with humans, what would their kids look like? Perhaps that describes this photo collection full of half-wookie / half-human beings having a great life. As you see, they are having fun roller-skating, practicing karate, driving and even doing yoga.
Mako Miyamoto, who is also known as Neon Werewolf, put these photos together. I like them because they make wookies the center of attention, instead of the sidekick. These photos prove that they have a great sense of humor and can do a lot more than just fight stormtroopers. There are a lot more photos than this in the collection, and if you click on the link above in this paragraph, you can see all of them.
I have to dedicate this post to my very dear friend, and fellow geek, Krystyn Chong. She is the only person I know who loves wookies as much as I do. About four years ago, we practiced making the Chewbacca noise together, but I’ll save that story for a different post. You can find her here on Google+. I recommend circling her for endless geekiness. I hope you enjoy these photographs as much as I did! They make me want to hug Chewie right now. Come here you big ball of fur!
Wookies In Real Life
(Click Images To Enlarge)
Via: [My Modern Met]