20 Fascinating Facts About Education Around The World

On every continent, in every country throughout the globe, education is slightly different. Although the same debates are had, for example, the best age at which to begin compulsory education and the perfect length for a school day, the answers various nationalities arrive upon vary greatly. It is nothing less than fascinating to delve into this data and it doesn’t take long before you realize that education around the world is ultimately different even though we all pretty much learn the same things.

It is even more fascinating when you think about the fact that countries compare the education level of their population with other countries, something that seems impossible considering the different approaches. Education is a vital part of life, we can all agree on that, and that’s why learning more about it can be really beneficial to you and the way you learn things.

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As you can imagine, there are quite a few fascinating facts about education from around the world and in this article, we are going to take a closer look at 20 of them. Strap yourself in because these facts, figures, and quirks on schooling around the world are going to take you by surprise. Also, don’t forget to check out how you can buy discussion board post to get better grades, effortlessly.

1. In Australia, the School of the Air broadcasts lessons via radio signals to far-flung pupils living in remote areas.

2. Of all the schools in the world, the largest is in India. It is called the City Montessori School and it has over 32,000 students.

3. China is the country where kids get most homework. Teenagers in Shanghai do a staggering 14 hours a week at the kitchen table.

4. Children living in Pakistan have no legal right to a free education and compulsory education only runs between the ages of five and nine.

5. Summer holidays last from the middle of December to early March in Chile, giving children three months off.

6. The country with the shortest school year and the longest school day is France.

7. Children in Germany are given a special cone called a Schultüte full of pens, pencils, mini books, snacks and other presents that can only be opened when they start school.

8. Canadian kids are taught a lot of their lessons in both French and English.

9. In Brazil, where lunch is an important event, children start school at 7am and at noon go home to eat with their parents.

10. The children in Holland all start school on their fourth birthday so there’s always someone new in class.

11. England is home to the world’s old boarding school – The King’s School in Canterbury, which despite being established in 1567, provides a full modern education, complete with up-to-date, quality equipment and supplies.

12. Even if it’s a weekend or a holiday, Russian children always start school on ‘Knowledge Day’, which is 1st September.

13. The smallest school in the world is in Turin, Italy and has just one pupil.

14. Finland has one of the oldest school starting ages in the world, as well as one of the most successful education systems. It’s seven years old.

15. Boys and girls are educated separately in Iran until they reach university. Even teachers must be of the same gender as the classes they teach.

16. In Kenya, children don’t have to go to school but most of them do.

17. Because of the flooding problems faced by the country, Bangladesh has no fewer than 100 boat schools. Each one has internet access, a library and is solar powered.

18. America is where you’ll find the world’s oldest teacher, Agnes Zhelesnik, who is 101 years old.

19. One of the subjects taught in Icelandic schools is knitting.

20. The primary school is Phumachangtang, Tibet, is thought to be the highest school in the world at 5,373 metres above the sea.

It is safe to say that education is delivered in unique ways and places across the world, and wherever you go you’ll find children learning and developing in their own specific ways.

Fascinating Facts About Education Around The World

20 Fascinating Education Facts

20 Fascinating Education Facts

20 Fascinating Education Facts