iPhone Theater Aims To Become The Ultimate Home Movie Experience

Innovation always comes in waves. It seems like as soon as something is announced that instantly becomes a viral success, people start making emulations of it in all different forms. That’s when you know that the initial innovation was the beginning of one of those waves. The iPhone was one of those things. It started a revolution within the mobile phone industry that no other phone manufacturer had been able to achieve earlier. It’s the same in social media. Just have a look at Twitter and Pinterest. They both managed to start a landslide of social networking website cloning that gave us hundreds of similar services, each a little bit different from the next. I keep wondering if this iPhone theater invention is going to do the same thing.

It’s an attempt to bring the theater home without you having to buy a home entertainment system worth thousands of dollars in order to mimic the experience of a real movie theater. This iPhone theater gadget looks so foreign, and in a way, steampunk. It’s an innovation I would really like to try out to see what it has to offer. It looks bulky of course, but I am sure it will back a punch once you start your movie and immerse yourself in the movie itself.

Mike Enayah, the concept designer of this iPhone theater called GrabCAD, carefully designed this epic looking headset which features a hands-free placeholder for the iPhone correctly adjusted so that the screen of the iPhone is scaled just like a movie theater screen. The headphones will immerse the viewer completely into the movie and encapsulate him or her inside a vacuum of attention. This iPhone theater reminds me of the early attempts to create a virtual reality headset. It never caught on, and I think one of the reasons was the fact that it was so bulky. Maybe this iPhone theater concept will meet the same fate. It’s a hard one to predict, but you have to agree that the idea is tickling.

Mike Enayah’s iPhone Theater – GrabCAD












