Smartphone Concept Premiers Triple Screen Design

I sometimes wonder what this year might have in store for us from a technology perspective. Apple is soon to unveil their new stuff, and I am quite sure other companies will try to beat them to the chase or follow them once they have revealed what it is that they are working on. There are so many different concept ideas out there, and one of them is a quite interesting smartphone concept that premiers a triple screen smartphone design that might give innovators some ideas.

With flexible touchscreens soon part of all our smartphones, it’s not hard to believe that we’ll see a shift in how our smartphones are designed. Designer Kristian Ulrich Larsen has his own take on the smartphone which involves incorporating the flexible touchscreen into a unique triple screen smartphone. Many people would argue that having more than one screen will always come with a lot of distractions, but when it comes to this particular triple screen design, I am not so sure about that.

First of all, the triple screen smartphone design allows you to concentrate on one screen at a time, yet you are probably able to combine them all into one. It’s a flexible enough concept that I’d say it could be plausible in the future. Whether or not we’ll actually see this thing realized is impossible to say.

One of the screens can of course be used as a touchscreen keyboard (even though it has its own qwerty keyboard also), which somewhat makes this smartphone into what I would call a “pocketbook.” With the wide variety of customizations this smartphone concept could be utilized for, it’s quite easy to say that if it were ever to be realized, many people would love try it out. The question is of course whether or not it will make much sense after Apple, Samsung and all of the other smartphone developers have presented their yearly innovations and put them on the market. What do you think? Would this triple screen smartphone design have a chance against the iPhone for example?

Kristian Ulrich Larsen’s Triple Screen Smartphone Concept

(Click Images To Enlarge)



