Office War Weapons – Bring On The Fight

So every now and then we have a vendetta to get off our chests with a co-worker. We all do, that’s just how it is. What better then to just get it all out in a little “Office War“. Imagine having a trebuchet at your desk or a slingshot to shot your choice of ammunition at your co-worker to tell him/her that now it’s serious! Now I bring war upon you and there is nothing you can do about it.

Here are some office war gadgets that you can either make or buy. Your choice! In any case these are awesome and I am definitely getting or making a few these myself. Who knows when I will be in the mood of an “Office War!” -“Here I Come To Save The Day!!!” I am sure there are PLENTY of other cool gadgets out there for office wars and if you find any please submit your findings to Bit Rebels and we’ll be sure to showcase them!