I am sure you have been thinking to yourself that ordinary vacations are getting kind of old and boring. You are in search of something new and exciting, but can’t quite figure out what that is. You could always go abroad to check out the history and culture there, but that’s been done before, and it doesn’t really thrill your senses. How about scuba diving? You probably have friends who have done that, and this time you are in it to impress people, not share experiences with them. As you can see, the options available to you are quickly getting depleted. There are only a few completely daring ways to make a lasting impression.
Have you ever thought about Rock Hiking? I guess not, and I can’t say that I have either. It’s just so foreign to me that it never really entered my mind if I could be completely honest with you. However, if you are looking for something with a bit of a challenge and a touch of thrill to it, this will fit you like your hand in your glove. It’s simply a more daring approach to putting up a tent on the ground and sleeping in it.
Well, it is a little bit more complicated than that actually. First you have to climb your way up to a nice location (preferably with a nice view). Then you start attaching your security pins. After that, it’s simply just to unfold your tent and secure it. It’s never been easier right? Maybe I should mention that if you are afraid of heights, this is probably not for you. If you aren’t, I can assure you that you will have memories to last a lifetime, not to mention all the bragging rights you will have with your friends and loved ones. You could always dare them to do the same thing, but I am quite sure that most people won’t take on that challenge. That leaves you in a league of your own.