Category: Apps - Page 24

MANsaver: The iPhone App That Makes Marriage Easy

MANsaver: The iPhone App That Makes Marriage Easy

I read a post a few months ago that explained how some men set up romantic scheduled auto-tweets to go out to their girlfriends at certain intervals. ...
Lego Minifigures: Now A Mind-Numbing iPhone App

Lego Minifigures: Now A Mind-Numbing iPhone App

In this article, I first and foremost want to welcome Diana into the iPhone camp with her latest purchase of the iPhone 4, good move.  As you all know ...
Have2P: iPhone App Makes Peeing More Convenient

Have2P: iPhone App Makes Peeing More Convenient

I found this app yesterday, and I just think it's the best thing since triple ply toilet paper. Do you have really young or really old people in your ...
Mouth Off- Cool iPhone App

Mouth Off- Cool iPhone App

There are so many iPhone apps out there and one that is truly fun and hilarious is called the MouthOff app.  Not only is it fun to use but also one t ...
WorldMate – A USEFUL iPhone App – Cartoon

WorldMate – A USEFUL iPhone App – Cartoon

I usually check out every cartoon spoof about any popular genre. But few times have I laughed as much as when I saw this cartoon that is truer then a ...
Are You A Moron? – iPhone App

Are You A Moron? – iPhone App

The iPhone App store just sold their 1.5 billionth application not long ago and the sales are ever increasing. One of the most popular apps right now ...
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