Category: Geek - Page 13
Doctors Who Play Video Games More Likely To Perform Successful Surgery
If there is one thing that people in the United States have learned about the healthcare system here, it's that you have to take personal responsibili ...
Handmade Star Wars Soap Will Keep You From Smelling Like A Wampa
Christmas is my favorite time of year, and I always start my Christmas shopping in October. I can't help it. I love buying little gifts for the specia ...
An Extraterrestrial Predator Head Carved From A Humongous Tree Stump
There are a lot of things you can do with an old tree stump. You could make a swing, you could chop it into firewood, or you could even carve it into ...
Pedal-Powered Bicycle Treehouse Elevator Takes You Up In Style
There's just something about treehouses that makes them special. Whether it's built to be a clubhouse for kids or an elaborate weekend getaway for adu ...
How To Make An ‘Instagram Selfie Photo’ Halloween Costume (Super Easy)
If you're like most people I know, you want to wear an original, creative Halloween costume this year, but you don't have a lot of time to put it toge ...
This Will Keep You Busy At Work: Fold A Millennium Falcon Origami Ship
People who are good at origami are like magicians to me. I've made a couple basic origami designs, but for the most part, I usually finish with a crum ...
Ultimate Workstation For Designers (It Even Has Auto Coffee Dispenser)
There have been a lot of innovative workstations presented over the years. We've written about many of them. Some are geared towards gamers, others ar ...
LEGO Watches For Adults: A Geeky Collection To Drool Over
LEGO watches for kids are nothing new, but next month, LEGO is releasing a collection of watches for adults, and they look fantastic. The collection i ...
Cocktail Time: 9 Geeky Mixed Drinks Inspired By Pokémon Characters
It's always such a blast from the past to write about anything Pokémon related. Almost every geek I know goes through a Pokémon stage at one point, an ...
Nerd vs. Geek Epic Rap Battle Finally Sets The Record Straight [Video]
There have been countless debates about what distinguishes a geek from a nerd. I think it's silly really because true geeks don't have anything to pro ...
LEGO Calendar Hangs On The Wall Yet Synchronizes With Google Calendar
If you work with many people in a busy office, you know it's tough to organize everything and everyone. Everyone has a different schedule, and people ...
Custom Made Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Chairs You’d Want To Sit On
If you are a fan of the teenage mutant ninja turtles like I am, you are going to love these custom chairs. They look like they are all ready to go for ...
101 Geeky Movie And TV Characters Hand Painted As Mini Sloths [Chart]
So there you are, sitting at your desk, and you need something brainlessly entertaining to look at until your next conference call. Maybe you just got ...
Han Solo In Carbonite Was Found On Planet Mercury (Not Surprising)
It's not surprising that Han Solo was found encased in carbonite on planet Mercury. I mean, we see people and faces in stuff all the time. Whether it' ...
DIY Star Wars Landspeeder…For When You Want To Scoot Around In Style
If I could choose a fictional vehicle to drive IRL, a landspeeder would be my number 6 choice. It would come after the Batmobile, the DeLorean in Back ...