If you are a proper geek, you know your retro graphics by heart. You know that without them, the essence of your existence is utterly in vain. The comeback of retro graphics in the form of 8-bit pixel games has totally got me mesmerized. I am a huge fan of Minecraft, and as often as I can, I play a bit. However, mainly I check out the ongoing development blogs and features that it keeps getting populated with. The whole art phenomenon of 8-bit has rivaled even the most hardcore photo realistic games out there. Super Meat Boy is another one of the those games that has totally taken over where 3D engine games have failed, and that is actually where gameplay entertains. It’s the fun factor, if you will.
Another area of artwork that is on a strong march forward is all the pixel art. You know, the ones that keep taking legendary characters and turning them into retrofied 8-bit artworks. The latest in a long row of really awesome retrofied characters is the Star Wars brand. Yup, it has certainly been done before, but not quite like this. This series of Star Wars characters is created by retro king Ryan Andrews, and it has a style all its own.
Ryan apparently wanted to try on the 8-bit art theme and got inspired by Zac Gorman. And boy did he manage to pin down the 8-bit feel in his images. These are truly wonderful, and they totally go hand in hand with the ’80s, if you ask me. I love how the characters have a 3D feel to them even though they are created in 2D space with just a few pixels. If this doesn’t take you back 25 years (if you’re even old enough to do that), I don’t really know what will. It’s awesome first time work, and we can’t wait to see more of this in the future from Ryan Andrews.
Via: [Thaeger]