All The News About Soccer And Real Madrid Is Now Just A Click Away!

The history of soccer is extremely intriguing. According to, records suggest that the game was played even more than 2000 years ago in countries such as China, Greece, Rome, and Central America. However, the history of contemporary football was shaped in England more than a century ago.

In 1863, association football and rugby football split up to move on different courses. This is when the Football Association, the first governing body of the world’s favorite sport, was formed in England.

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Soon enough, the popularity of the game began to spread across other countries and in 1904, FIFA was founded in Paris, with seven countries as the founder members. In the present day, 211 associations are affiliated to FIFA and as per the statistics released by in 2007, approximately 265 million people played football around the globe that year and surely the number has grown over the past decade. [pullquote]These staggering statistics prove that soccer is indeed a game that is played and loved on a global scale.[/pullquote]

While soccer fans around the world root enthusiastically for their favorite football clubs, the soccer club that is arguably the most popular is Real Madrid. Founded in 1902 as the Madrid Football Club, Real Madrid currently has an estimated worth of around $3.58 billion and is one of the most valuable soccer teams in the world. However, what truly makes Real Madrid stand out is the quality of the players and the undying support that it receives from its fans worldwide.

We at Bit Rebels understand that soccer fans love to learn more about their favorite players and teams, which is why we devote articles to interesting facts about soccer players. However, if it is real time news about soccer and Real Madrid that you are looking for then Real Madrid News is your best bet. This website is a one-stop resource for all the news related to Real Madrid players and ongoing games, making it a bookmark worthy website for all Real Madrid fans.

There is so much that goes on in the world of soccer that it is hard to keep up with all the news. With rumors of players leaving and joining the club constantly doing the rounds, one needs an authentic source of information to separate the white noise from the genuine soccer news. Any die hard Real Madrid supporter would understand the value of a website that offers this along with live scores, information regarding upcoming matches, and videos of some of the best moments of Real Madrid players.

Need predictions pertaining to bets, in depth analysis of performances, or blogs that talk about all things Real Madrid? Believe it or not, Real Madrid News provides all this and much more with just the click of a button. Real time news from the world of soccer is now delivered to your screens; this is definitely every soccer lover’s dream come true!

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All The News About Soccer And Real Madrid Is Now Just A Click Away!

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