100 Years Of Dance & Fashion In 100 Seconds

It’s hard to believe that just 100 years ago the world looked a lot different from what it does today. It’s not some cheesy way of staying nostalgic or even trying to reminisce about better times before. No, it’s honestly just a way to say that the world really looked different. Comparing things would just be the stupidest thing to do, yet still we keep on doing it. Just take music for example. Back then, people didn’t even think to use any kind of electricity for instruments. You could probably say it was the acoustic era. While we are talking about music, we might as well touch on dance too, right?

Dancing was way bigger back then than it is now, at least when it comes to your average Joe stepping up on the dance floor. The styles were, well let’s just say a lot different than they are today. If they could have seen where dancing has gone today, I think they would suggest that we call a doctor. The spasmic movements we have today should have freaked out even the strongest atheist back then, making him or her believe that we were possessed by some foul demon. However, things change and so does style.

YouTube user uploaded a pretty awesome video which is called 100 Years/Style/East London which portrays dance moves and fashion from a 100 years back and in 100 seconds. It’s quite interesting to see how it has all evolved, but I miss the Moonwalk, which must be the single most famous dance move ever made. I could be wrong, but if you ask people to do the tango, I am sure there wouldn’t be as many who are as excited to do that as there would be if you were to ask people to do the Moonwalk. Or, what do you say?

100 Years Of Dance Style