These are the most adorable Star Wars R2-D2 shoes I’ve ever seen. Normally I would never be caught dead in white shoes, but when it comes to our beloved R2, all fashion rules go right out the window. Not only do these shoes sport a mini-R2 on the heel, but the entire shoe itself is R2, and they even come with blinking red LED lights. These ARE the shoes you’ve been looking for, and now we can make them for ourselves.
A few months ago, I wrote about some ferocious DIY shoes that had a T-Rex attached to the heel. They were created by Instructables user michaelsaurus. Well, he’s back now with this new badass design, and this time, he’s paying homage to the one and only Star Wars R2-D2.
I’m not going to lie, the tutorial to make these shoes looks complicated. Before you even start, you’ll need to make a massive shopping list for the hardware store. However, don’t be afraid or intimidated to give this a shot. We all know fear is the path to the dark side. Instead, embrace your Jedi strength, which flows from the force. You can do it!
If you are wondering how that heel was created, he actually took off the original heel that came with this pair of shoes. He replaced that with a steel bolt and then put the mini-R2 over the bolt to cover it. Of course, the blinking red LED lights are one of the things that make these Star Wars R2-D2 shoes so fabulous to me. You can click on the link below to read the full tutorial. I hope if you make these that you’ll come back and leave a picture for us all to see. Good luck with this project, and may the force be with you.
DIY Star Wars R2-D2 Heels
(Click Images To Enlarge)
Via: [Fashionably Geek]