Haven’t you always wanted to know how to make some very cute lightsabers for the little Jedis in your house – ones that aren’t super dangerous and won’t take an eye out if someone gets bonked in the face with one? I’ve thought about it before. Most of the lightsabers in the stores are made of plastic, and if a couple of kids start swinging them around, there is a good chance someone’s going to get hurt. With these super easy DIY lightsabers, nobody will get hurt.
These are truly brilliant in so many ways. All you need to make them are some pool noodles (one for each lightsaber), a pair of scissors, some duct tape and some black electrical tape (or a black sharpie).
In the end, you’ll have some lightsabers that are very nerf-like and ready for the epic battles sure to take place in your living room. I love all the different colors, and these would be perfect props for a few Star Wars drinking games I can think of (who says they have to be just for the kids, right?). These were created by Amy, the very creative blogger at Muddy Boots. You can find her simple tutorial at How To Host A Star Wars Party Part 1 – The Lightsabers. According to her post, she made each one for about $1.44. And, since we are nearing the end of summer, I’m sure you can find pool noodles at places like Walmart and Target for very cheap. This is just soooo simple and smart!
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Via: [Laughing Squid] Image Credits: [Muddy Boots] [Deal Wise Mommy] [Cooking With Chopin] [Jessica’s Coupons]