There is one block that is the foundation of the world, or at least that’s what we geeks would really like it to be. I used to say that “Lego is the solution to everything,” and you probably agree with me because if you think about it, it’s cooler than cool. The creativity you can get out of it is just mad, and you can build and trash it over and over until your heart is content. The only thing you really need in order to play with Lego is imagination. You can shoot for the heavens and just build, build, build. The millions and millions of builds you can find on the Internet are just a grain of the impressive numbers of builds that you can make yourself. Well, it’s unlimited really.
Being a songwriter, producer and above all, a geek, there are some things that just go beyond the max on my scale of awesomeness. If you create a synthesizer using Lego, you are definitely home free, and you have my undivided attention. That was the fact with the “thing” that Flickr user Percussives created. As a homage to the epic and legendary synthesizer Roland Jupiter 8, this geek created the ultimate incarnation out of this sounds caper.
The Lego Roland Jupiter 8 is nothing less than awesomeness through and through. I would definitely want one of these in the studio to just crank up the volume. The inspiration would be unlimited just because this thing is made out of Lego. I could modify it to oblivion and then take it all apart depending on my mood. I am eagerly awaiting other mods like this, but I haven’t been sent any or seen any. Do you know of any mods that include Lego and music all bundled into one? Please never hesitate to send it to us or just write it in the comments. We’ll see it, and hopefully feature it.