Just like every chocolate lover wants to live in the world of Willy Wonka, I want to live in this Mac computer world for a day! How fun! Imagine your desk is your desktop and your computer’s life is now your life. Interesting, isn’t it?
All I can say is this clip is so well done. Everything including the fail whale, the real life Photoshop, the tweets flying by, the pop up ads and the spam, is all just brilliant! According to Vimeo, “The premise of this short film is to represent the digital tools and interfaces we use daily in an analog way. This concept is essentially just for fun but also reminds us just how digitally connected we all are.” You will probably notice that Google Chrome is left out. They were planning to include it, but at the last minute, the little girl who was going to play that part in the video didn’t feel like being an actress that day, so they left Chrome out.
Just so you know, the “waiter” is the “server” (that’s why you see him crashing. lol). This little piece of awesomeness was produced by the Meltmedia team and filmed in their office. You can visit Meltmedia to learn more. Enjoy!
The Art of Analog Computing from meltmedia on Vimeo.