Designers aren’t all about creating genius concepts and dazzling websites that are ultimately going to pull in thousands and thousands of dollars. It’s also not only about creating fabulous and eye catching brand imaging and promotions. Some designers actually take their talent and use it for something truly meaningful and heartfelt, something that could potentially shed some well needed light on something that we all should be aware of and working against.
Agra Satria is an illustrator with a magic edge and touch to his work. Agra wanted to create something that was easier and more eye catching than just an ordinary book to explain two disorders that we have grown accustom to seeing too often in the world today, Anorexia and Bulimia.
Instead of drawing up illustrated images and wording the book with heavy and graphic sentences, he decided to make a more magical and intuitive book. Instead of boring you to death, this book inspires you to keep reading and in the end, help society do something about this huge problem that we seem to push under the rug.
We have all been touched by these disorders in our lives at some point when someone close to us has wandered a bit too far over the edge. We have all seen it, and it’s not pretty. It kills. Isn’t it time we do something about it? Isn’t it time we change our ideals of how we picture the perfect body? I thinks so and I know you agree!
Take a look at these life altering pictures and tell me you don’t care. How couldn’t you? These are truly amazing and beautifully done, and I am sure these books will be a success. It’s a landmark for educational literature. Watch, this is how an educational book should look like. Brilliant!