To continue on our “imaginary world” theme today, I decided to take a look at some rather inspiring ways to spend your vacation or weekends. We usually just book a hotel somewhere and then look at what activities are available around it. It’s the kind of approach most of us take, but shouldn’t the hotel or the place we stay be as important as the activities around it? I mean, it is after all the place where you will spend a great deal of time, so it shouldn’t really be overlooked. There are a ton of creative retreats and hotels out there that might put your reality into a little bit of a pivoted position. If you are going to do something special every once in a while, you might as well do that on your vacation, right?
That’s why I try to find places that might alter your perspective of reality, and how we usually spend our free time on vacations. So, with that introduction (which seems a little long now that I think about it), I present to you the most amazing hotel ever… and it’s made out of plastic. It’s the Attrap’Rêves Bubble Hotel, and it will leave anyone who stays in it with a lasting impression of nature and the heavens above.
It will let you watch the stars drift by in a relaxing manner, and let you grace upon the views of the world and everything it has to offer through the ever so transparent plastic shell. As you might have figured out already, it’s a hotel made to look pretty much like a plastic igloo. It’s one of those creative hotels that will put a special touch on those vacation photographs that you love to show your family and friends. And quite honestly, it will outshine anyone’s attempt to brag about their boat ride down some crummy channel or their attempt to climb the local hill. To the one who said that plastic is bad for the world, think again… It will give you a whole new look at life! Just don’t litter the world with it.
Via: [Technabob]