DIY Vodka Spiked Bubblegum & Bubblegum Flavored Vodka

About a year ago, I remember when a recipe for Vodka Spiked Gummy Bears went viral. It was everywhere. People all over the place were making drunk gummy bears and posting their own pictures and twists on the recipe. After I wrote about it, I found out many months later that it was someone at Instructables who originally came up with idea which sparked the flame. It was a brilliant one for sure.

Recently, I stumbled across another interesting vodka infused idea… but I’m going to add a twist myself to this one. This was originally posted by Gordon Edward on Candy Booze. He figured out a way to take old-fashioned Double Bubble bubblegum, slice it into cubes with his buzz saw and then soak it in vodka for a week to make a concoction fit for vodka lovers with a pink sweet tooth.

It’s a recipe very similar to the gummy bear recipe; however, there is one main difference. Gordon did this to create vodka that tastes just like bubblegum, instead of to create bubblegum that tastes like vodka. As you see in the pictures below (and as Gordon points out), the vodka ate up part of the gum, but it didn’t dissolve it completely. So, wouldn’t that mean that in addition to making bubblegum flavored vodka, you’d also inadvertently make vodka spiked bubblegum too? I’m going to try this myself this week since it requires almost no work. I’ll report back if I discover anything new about it. You can read Gordon’s original post at Double Bubble Gum Vodka.






Image Credits: [Candy Booze] [Just Desktop Wallpapers]