How To Make A Triple-Decker Nutella Sandwich [Infographic]

When it comes to noms, I think a lot of people would choose Nutella as their favorite all around topping. You can essentially use it for almost everything. On bread, strawberries and ice cream, yeah pretty much on anything you like. It’s quickly becoming as popular as peanut butter actually. Well, if it isn’t already. It’s been around for a long time, but I think people are eating it more now than before. I don’t know the exact statistics for it so it would be quite hard to estimate. I just know I hear about it more now than I did a few years ago. One thing a lot of people know how to make is a Nutella sandwich where they combine it with bananas and then put it all on a couple of slices of bread. But do you know how to make a triple-decker Nutella sandwich?

It’s quite easy really. Before you start wondering why this infographic is even needed, just know it’s because it’s such a good sandwich and it deserves its own infographic. It’s designed by Michee from Markam, Canada, and it will totally teach you how to make one. You don’t have to be a genius to put this sandwich together. All you really need is some Nutella, a banana and a few slices of Wonder Bread. Yeah, it needs to be Wonder Bread. It specifially states that, and nothing else will do the trick. So now that you have the ingredients, it is time to learn how to make a triple-decker Nutella sandwich (check infographic).

Cheating on the bread would be a crime against all the food laws that ever existed. Make sure you at least use three banana slices for each slice of bread, or more. The more, the better since it will mash up good with the Nutella and the bread. So for today’s infographic, I decided to go for pretty much the easiest infographic I could find which would still bring awesomeness into your life. Just make sure you don’t eat too much since an addiction to Nutella triple-decker sandwiches will probably not have the best health effects on your body. So now that you know how to make a badass sandwich, it’s time to invite some friends to share the goodies, right? So who’s invited?

Click How To Make This Sandwich Infographic To Enlarge


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