Move To Malta From The US – Benefits Of Maltese Residency For American Citizens

It is not uncommon for Americans to move to European countries to find work, get an education, or start a new life. It can be quite difficult to choose a European country for these purposes since there are quite a few good options. However, many Americans choose a small country in the Mediterranean — Malta. However, simply coming and settling in this country will not work.

If a United States citizen wishes to live in Malta, they must get a residence permit. To obtain a Malta residence, you need to buy or rent a property, obtain a work visa, enroll in a higher education institution in this country, or open a business. Americans can become citizens of Malta in 1 or 3 years if they take part in the citizenship by investment program.

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Benefits Of Moving To Malta

Health System

Health care for all residents of Malta is free. If there is a need to use the services of doctors, you can contact any state clinic. Private hospitals and doctors are also present, but they are not free. The WHO ranks Malta’s health care as one of the best in the world (better than the US). Foreign nationals must obtain health insurance when visiting Malta.

Education System

The British curriculum is widespread in the schools of Malta. Public schools for children are free, and the level of education is very high. Americans prefer to move to Malta from the US also because English is the official language in this country.

Education in many schools and universities is also in English, so the children of foreigners do not have to learn Maltese. This rule also applies to the University of Malta. Graduates of this educational institution are highly valued around the world.

Climatic Conditions And Infrastructure

It is not hard to guess that Malta is often a holiday destination. Almost every day is sunny, winters are short, a sufficient number of attractions and restaurants with quality service — all this suggests that life in Malta is very comfortable and interesting despite the small size of the islands. The infrastructure in the country is also developed. However, it is worth remembering that Malta is a very densely populated state. Therefore, drivers sometimes encounter traffic congestion.

Conditions For Doing Business

Since Malta is a member of the EU, many foreigners choose to open a business in this country. The development of the company will be positively influenced by a local skilled workforce. It is worth noting the stability of the Maltese economy, which is highly rated by rating agencies. Financial and tourism are considered to be especially developed sectors.

Life Safety

One of the lowest crime rates in the world is another advantage of living in Malta. Also, natural disasters very rarely occur in the country although the state is located in the middle of the sea.

How Much Money Do You Need To Immigrate To Malta From The US?

Living in Malta has many pros, but how much does such a pleasure cost? Victor Esik (a specialist from Immigrant Invest) analyzed the prices for rental housing, food, and other goods and services in Malta:

  • In the US, real estate rental prices are about 30% more expensive. Living in Maltese real estate will cost a resident approximately 950 euros (a one-bedroom apartment with furniture). Usually, the price depends on the location, size, and amenities of the apartments. Utilities cost up to about 200 euros per month.
  • Locally produced food can usually be found in the market. Imported food usually costs more and is mostly sourced from Italy. However, in many other European countries, residents spend more money on food.
  • Visitors to Maltese restaurants usually note good value for money. For a comfortable stay in Malta, 1,600 euros per month is enough.

Jobs For Immigration From The US To Malta

Citizens of countries that are members of the EU can work in Malta without restrictions. However, Americans and residents of other countries that are not part of the EU or EEA must first receive a job offer, then apply for a residence permit, and provide all the necessary documents. A residence permit in Malta is valid for the same period as an employment contract. This document must be renewed every year.

Obtaining A Residence Permit For Immigration To Malta For Americans

You can get the right to reside in Malta not only with the help of work. One of the most popular ways is to buy or rent a property. At the same time, together with the main investor, a residence permit can also be obtained by members of their family: spouse and financially dependent children under 25, parents, brother and sister, or grandparents. Minimum requirements for participation in the program:

  • The minimum amount for the purchase of real estate is 220,000 euros (maybe more depending on the region of the country).
  • The minimum rental amount is 8,750 per year (also depends on the region).
  • Payment of fees of approximately 6,000 euros + income tax of 15,000 euros.
  • Compulsory health insurance for all applicants.

Other ways to get a residence permit to immigrate to Malta for US citizens:

  • Enroll in a higher education institution in Malta.
  • Establish a company in Malta.
  • Cohabitation with a citizen of Malta for 2 years.
  • For family reunification.

The Maltese residence permit allows you to travel to any of the countries of the Schengen zone under a visa-free regime.

How To Get A Passport And Move To Malta From The USA?

The Maltese passport is considered one of the strongest in the world as it allows you to visit almost 180 countries without a visa. To become a citizen of Malta and enjoy all the benefits of this status, a foreigner will have to spend much more money than in the case of obtaining a residence permit: The citizenship by investment program requires the applicant to:

  • Donate 600,000 euros to a state fund and become a citizen in 3 years or donate 750,000 euros and become a citizen in 1 year.
  • Donate €10,000 to any non-governmental organization in Malta.
  • Buy a property worth over 700,000 euros and not sell it for 5 years or rent a property for an amount of 16,000 euros per year for 5 years.

For each family member, a foreign investor must donate an additional 50,000 euros to the state fund.

Citizenship can also be acquired through marriage to a Maltese citizen. To do this, you need to live together for 5 years. Another way to obtain a Maltese passport is through naturalization. This method is the most difficult since, in addition to the requirement of residence for 5 years, the applicant must pass several exams and receive written instructions from other citizens of Malta. Immigration to Malta for Americans is impossible without obtaining a residence permit, so a foreigner should analyze each of the methods and choose the appropriate option.

Despite all the requirements, immigrating to Malta from the US is not as difficult as it might seem. Living in an EU member state has many advantages. Therefore, the Maltese residence permit is popular both because of work and for other reasons. Moreover, Americans can bring their family members with them if they meet the general requirements for applicants.

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