Search query: fitness

Eat Healthy Despite Your Busy Schedule With These Tips

Eat Healthy Despite Your Busy Schedule With These Tips

Because of our busy lifestyle and hectic working hours, we tend to forget an essential task like taking care of ourselves and our nutrition. This negl ...
3 Perfect Gift Ideas For Your Cyclist Friends

3 Perfect Gift Ideas For Your Cyclist Friends

Cycling fanatics tend to love their bikes and cruising in town more than anything, and that’s what makes it quite challenging to pick a gift for them. ...
4 Reasons Why Adults Should Play Team Sports

4 Reasons Why Adults Should Play Team Sports

Playing games with friends is a big part of the childhood experience. Millions of kids play in organized sporting leagues and millions more play in im ...
3 Tips On How To Kill Time At The Airport

3 Tips On How To Kill Time At The Airport

48,935,920 hours, 2,038,997 days, 291,285 weeks, 67,035 months or 5,586 years. That's how long Brits waited together last year at the airport gate, ch ...
Smart Bathrooms – A Digital Future

Smart Bathrooms – A Digital Future

It’s incredible how quickly we embrace and adopt new technology. Even the least tech-savvy of us know our way around a smartphone and use apps we neve ...
5 Ways RFID Tags Are Used In The Food Industry

5 Ways RFID Tags Are Used In The Food Industry

The technology industry is thriving, and there's no end in sight. For the food industry, regardless of which stage of food production you work in, you ...
Why Is Vaping So Bad For Teenagers?

Why Is Vaping So Bad For Teenagers?

Vaping has been in the spotlight these past few weeks, with certain scandals and legislative proposals ensuring that vaping products are being discuss ...
Important Reasons Why You Should Own A Pet

Important Reasons Why You Should Own A Pet

For so many reasons, pets are just so awesome. If statistics are anything to go by, a staggering 85 million American families (65% of households) own ...
Back To Basics – Raising The Whole Child With Chaya Greenspan

Back To Basics – Raising The Whole Child With Chaya Greenspan

Living in the modern world has many perks, like staying in touch with the people you love even if they live on the other side of the world, shopping f ...
Park City Attorney Greg Bishop Discusses The Need For A “Retirement GPS”

Park City Attorney Greg Bishop Discusses The Need For A “Retirement GPS”

Greg Bishop, a Park City attorney, recently took a 12-month sabbatical from his job leading the legal, compliance, and HR functions of a public compan ...
11 Profitable & High Margin Products That You Can Create And Sell Online

11 Profitable & High Margin Products That You Can Create And Sell Online

Imagine a product that takes basically no capital to make and no significant investment to sell. Sound too good to be true? For many creators, it’s a ...
Startup From Chicago Illinois Is First To Deliver ED Medication Subscription Service

Startup From Chicago Illinois Is First To Deliver ED Medication Subscription Service

If you haven't heard the news, the patent for Viagra has expired recently, so a lot of upcoming startups are coming into the picture and showing the w ...
The Changing Nature Of The Subscription Business Model In Relation To SaaS Companies

The Changing Nature Of The Subscription Business Model In Relation To SaaS Companies

Software as a Service (SaaS) is one of the most popular business models employed by businesses today. For those unaware of the term, SaaS is a simple ...
Why The Future Is All About Wearable Technology

Why The Future Is All About Wearable Technology

Science fiction is all about the gadgets; blasters, spaceships, time machines, flying cars, plasma this, and hyper that. Gadgets are where it’s at. La ...
20 Statistics That Prove Connected Health Is The Next Big Thing In Healthcare

20 Statistics That Prove Connected Health Is The Next Big Thing In Healthcare

With an aging population that will see the number of over 60s triple by 2050, the healthcare system is facing challenges that won’t be solved with our ...
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